
Monday, November 06, 2006

Thing number 5 and 6

I have posted some photos. In Flik-r, I could view them as a slide show, but could not transport this to the blog. Is there a way of doing this?

I have now posted a badge of my photos to the blog. This is really cool, being able to create this


P1010446, originally uploaded by margi60.

We saw a crew from the UK series Big Cat Diary and followed them to this cat.


P1000940, originally uploaded by margi60.

The locals told us we were lucky to see the peak so clearly - it is truly magnificent, though the effects of global warming are obvious in the dimishing snow line


P1000788, originally uploaded by margi60.

Three young males were lounging on the road at sunset, until we disturbed them


P1000543, originally uploaded by margi60.

I decided to share some images from my amazing trip to Africa in September, rather than branch photos - hope you don't mind.
This family were sheltering in a conduit on hte side of the road. There were two females, a male and three babies, right next to our truck - just amazing. I felt very privileged to be this close to them
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from margi60. Make your own badge here.